(Short-term course for skill enhancement)

Kalawatika provides coaching classes to students who are willing to take admission in reputed Fine Art colleges in India such as Delhi College of Arts, Jamia Millia Islamia,   Banaras Hindu University, Lucknow University, Chandigarh University, M.S. University to name a few. In the preparation program students will be guided to cover all important course content required for any Fine Art Colleges.

All our faculties are well qualified in their fields and are having a very good exposure with contemporary art activities. They are cooperative by nature and are always eager to help out students.

The fact is that you need to be dedicated and hard-working to achieve higher goals in your life.

Becoming a Successful Artist = Study + Practice + Hard Work + Sincerity

You can study all the latest trends and try to emulate a style that seems to be working.  You can attend hundreds of classes and lectures.  But if you don’t put in the hard work, you’ll never get anywhere as an artist.  Ideas are great and plans are essential but never DOING anything to achieve these dreams is a huge problem for most artists.  At Kalawatika we believe that sheer luck isn’t going to open the doors towards success; but hard work & dedication will eventually be rewarding.  Extreme effort is essential for any worthwhile target.  So please, for the sake of your future, be sincere in your study & practice with sheer hard work and dedication.


No. of Classes
Sunday, Monday & Tuesdays
Timings 10 am to 1 pm
Course fee Rs. 8000/-

Major Concepts/Content:

This short duration course has been designed to provide practical enhancements with basic theory containing pre-historic to contemporary art.

Free Hand Drawing & Sketching: Practice of on-the-spot life sketching, body proportion, Surroundings with basic theory.

Still Life: In pencil, water colour, Pastel colour with basic theory.

Composition (water color): Practice of various surroundings with human elements like Railway Station, Fair, Nature and many more with basic theory.

Memory drawing:  Through pencil and water colour on themes from day to day experiences.

Applied Art: Brand Logo and Symbol Design, Graphic Composition with basic theory.

Art History: Pre-historic to contemporary art, History of Indian Art, leading Indian Artists in the past, Contemporary Indian Artists etc.